Bandwagon Patriotism

Osama bin Laden is dead!

I guess.

Who cares?

Everyone, apparently.

I’m surprised that the face of an enemy was such a strong thing.  It’s surprising to me, anyway.  People assume that we didn’t just target this guy because he was the one who sent us the tape and told us some other stuff.  People keep thinking he’s the leader of an organization that has no leader.  And people are hopeful this means that the war against terror is over.  But we basically made a martyr of Osama bin Laden, doesn’t that mean we’ll reinvigorate those we’re fighting?

Now they have another reason to attack us, they have the wherewithal and the spirit to pull it off again.  Isn’t the fact that the idea of this man is now gone, (and at the risk of sounding like a tinfoil hat enthusiast, I can’t help but wonder if he was ever a true entity or just a random man that we gave a name and a story to), this catalyst of their vengeance plot, this voice of the people, this force behind their zealotry, that we could be facing something even more dangerous?

I don’t like fear mongering, but I also don’t think the populace as a whole have forethought this past those magic five words.

Five words uttered by those in power have rousted a downtrodden country.

Five words uttered by those in power has boosted the morale of a depressed constituency.

Five words uttered by those in power have blinded a nation to a potential future.

“Osama bin Laden is dead.”

The attack happened so many years ago and we’ve been fighting for our safety ever since, placing vengeance in the hearts of those who have the desire to act upon it is, in itself, worrisome territory.  We’ve gotten our reward, now, and, at the risk of sounding cliché, I do wonder the cost of such.  Can we really say it was worth it?  The lives of the fallen and the sadness of the ones with empty seats at their dinner tables, the children who will not see fathers or mothers.  I won’t say they didn’t die for a good cause, as the love of your home is always in your heart, regardless of the extreme you are willing to go to.

However, I personally don’t think we should be applauding Death, regardless of who it has befallen, as Death is always grinning.

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